New CBD Batch Tests in Over 100% Purity
Last week Green Valley Nutrition teamed up with Botanacor Services to add an additional third-party testing facility to our quality control department, in order to further our confidence in our new CBD isolate batches. Upon receiving the updated third-party laboratory test results for our new CBD isolate batch, we were surprised to find the results yielding in excess of 100% purity! Simply put, our CBD isolate is completely free of contaminants and other compounds. Another example of Green Valley Nutrition setting the industry standard.
How is it possible to exceed 100% purity?
The Pharmaceutical industry, one of the most tightly controlled industries in the world, manufactures products to a target value of plus or minus (±) a certain percent based on criteria for that product type. The nomenclature of a pure drug substance is also known as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API); the Potency is referred to as an Assay value. Assay values that exceed 100% are not uncommon in the Pharmaceutical industry where formulators use pure API drug substances to which they add inactive ingredients, referred to as an excipient, to arrive at a target concentration of a formulated drug product.
If a formulator uses an API with an Assay value of, say 101.2% for example, that formulator uses 101.2% in his/her calculation to formulate the product to a given target. This is such a normal and ubiquitous occurrence that the FDA expects to see Assay values for API’s and other chemical standards that exceed 100%.